Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cast Your Burdens

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

I used to be a big worrier. The smallest things would keep me up at night. I would spend time wondering about the title of a grant that I was writing for school, or if I had chosen the right novel for my AP Literature students to read. I would worry if I sounded silly or dumb in a conversation I just had with an acquaintance. Although I had read the words of Matthew 6:27, I had yet to put them into practice.

When I was pregnant with Emily Anne, I worried even more. I worried about how she was being formed in my womb. I worried about how I would be a good parent. I worried about what kind of person she would grow up to be. I worried about worrying too much.

Then a friend of mine gave me this book. I began praying one prayer a night and gradually found my worries decreasing. Now, I wouldn't classify myself as a worrier; when I do start to worry, I become a pray-er.

Lately, though, I've been coming across 1 Peter 5:7. It was the key scripture verse for the Weight Management breakout session at our Spa for the Soul Women's Retreat. It is on a CD put together by our Youth Pastor, and we play it constantly in the car. It came up in a conversation with a friend the other day. Okay, what is God trying to tell me?

Am I worrying about how much the children are learning in homeschool? Am I choosing to teach the right things? Am I choosing to share the right things on this blog? Am I spending too much tiime with it? Am I going to be able to keep up with the housekeeping and homeschooling, too? Am I worrying too much? . . . Okay, let me take Stormie's advice again.

Dear Lord, Thank you that we can cast our cares on You. Thank you for the assurance that You care for us. Lord, I place our homeschooling in Your hands; we trust You to guide us in what You would have us to learn. Give us wisdom, Lord, not the earthly wisdom that surrounds us, but the wisdom that comes only from You. Lord, guide me in my sharing my stories with others, so that they might be used to glorify You. Lord, help me to manage my time so that You are my first priority. Let the other things that need to be done fall into place after I have first spent time with You. Thank you for relieving my burdens and taking up your yoke, which is not heavy. Amen.

So, what Scripture has spoken to you this week? Post those verses on your own blog, along with how you see that God wants you to apply them in your life. Then, provide your link below so that we can drink from one another's wells of scripture.

Also, don't forget about the giveaway for Nancy Twigg's book From Clutter to Clarity! Clutter is a burden, too!


Kathryn said...

Wonderful post, Celly, and a good reminder on this 9-11 anniversary.

Kathryn said...

Celly, You've been tagged! See for details. :-)


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

There are so many that have been speaking to me as of late, but this one from Psalm 138:8...

"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me, your love, O LORD endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands."

I, too, suffer from a worried heart. God is ever teaching me to pray about everything so that his peace can be my portion.

Thanks for stopping by earlier today.
